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How to Change the Collection Intervals in VCF (Formerly Aria) Operations

Feb 5

1 min read




In VCF Operations (Formerly Aria. Formerly vRealize. Formerly vCOPs), the default collection interval is 5 minutes. The collected data is comprised of 15 data points, each 20 seconds apart (15 x 20 second = 5 minutes). This is explained in greater detail in this KB article:

You are able to reduce the collection interval down to 1 minute if you so desire, BUT this will significantly affect network traffic, CPU, Memory, and storage demands. I do NOT recommend changing this setting unless you truly understand the impact that it will have on your Operations instance and environment at large. (It is actually somewhat of a convoluted process to change the collection interval, probably because the developers are trying to deter people from overloading their own environment.)

Now that you have been sufficiently warned let's get into it.

Collection intervals are modified at the adapter level, so we are not able to modify the collection interval of specific object. We can only modify the collection interval for adapters and their collective child objects.

Go into Configurations > Inventory Management:

Next click on Adapter Instances > the adapter type you'd like to modify > the adapter itself > Edit (Pencil Icon):

You'll be greeted with an Edit Object screen > click Advanced

Lastly, you can change the interval cycle.

Hope this helps!!

Feb 5

1 min read





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